Educate, Empower, Inspire: Elevating Leadership in Occupational Therapy

The World Federation of Occupational Therapy (WFOT) released the Global Strategy for the Occupational Therapy Workforce in October 2024, and its seventh strategic direction is Building workforce leadership and planning capacity. This strategy highlights both the problem and the opportunity within our profession:

  • Problem: “Structured programmes for building the capacity of occupational therapists to be workforce development leaders are not documented in occupational therapy literature” (World Federation of Occupational Therapists, n.d.).
  • Opportunity: “Develop occupational therapy workforce leaders, developing training programmes for building capacity among occupational therapy workforce leaders” (World Federation of Occupational Therapists, n.d.).

This gap underscores why leadership development in occupational therapy is crucial—and it’s exactly what Function First Coaching is dedicated to addressing. We’re excited to release our Learning & Development Workshop Series, designed to equip occupational therapists with essential leadership skills and bridge the gap identified by the WFOT.

Educate, Empower, Inspire — these three words aren’t just a slogan for me; they’re the foundation of everything built at Function First Coaching and our broader mission to transform healthcare. Each word carries significant weight, guiding how we serve others and support their growth. 


This value was instilled in me early on by my mother. Growing up, there was no question in my family that education didn’t stop after high school – it was straight to university or college. Sitting in the front row of classes, sometimes even getting teased for being a ‘nerd,’ shaped my love of learning.

Today, that value fuels my work with the Dive In Goals™ Tool. This tool is a key part of the Dive Into a Coach Approach™ course. I designed it to push beyond traditional SMART goals and offer healthcare professionals a deeper, more meaningful way to help clients reach their potential. This tool has made a significant impact in my practice, and I’m proud to share it with others. If you’re curious, you can access the tool [here] or explore the science behind it with the 2-hour course on the Neuro-Coach Approach in Healthcare (the fourth course of the Coaching Tools for Healthcare Bundle foune here).


Empowerment is crucial, especially in these challenging times for healthcare. I’m passionate about helping healthcare practitioners not only remain in the field but thrive as leaders. When I created the Dive Into a Coach Approach™ micro-credentialing journey, my goal was to provide a powerful framework that empowers practitioners not only with their clients but also as they grow into leadership roles.

Recently, Canada’s occupational therapy competencies were updated to emphasize leadership in the workplace, and that was a game-changer for me. I had the honor of sharing this during the 2023 CAOT Professional Issue Forum as part of a panel of experts (Thériault et al., 2023). It reinforced the importance of empowering OTs to embrace leadership (Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy Regulatory Organizations, 2021). It’s why I eagerly said yes when CAOT asked me to create a leadership module. 

The feedback from this course has been overwhelmingly positive. Participants have shared how the course helped them recognize the importance of continuously developing leadership skills and the role coaching plays in fostering a positive culture. As one participant mentioned, “This is a wonderful online course that should be foundational for all OTs practicing.” Others highlighted how coaching can be applied in interactions with colleagues, clients, and even in large organizations where leadership structures may be rigid. One attendee summed it up beautifully: “By embracing my leadership potential and using the coaching approach, I realize I can impact my patients, colleagues, and the overall healthcare system.”

This kind of feedback fuels my passion for helping OTs develop their leadership potential, and I’m excited to continue this journey of empowering others. You can check it out [here], and I hope it inspires you to explore your own leadership path.


Inspiration can come from many places, and for me, it’s been rooted in leadership and entrepreneurship. I’m so grateful to Trish Williams and her OTsGetPaid podcast for helping me see how OT skills can naturally lead to entrepreneurship. When Trish asked me to do a second episode focused on leadership, I knew I wanted to share what I’ve learned to inspire others. I want to help at least one person feel the spark of leadership or entrepreneurial spirit that I’ve discovered. If that’s you, check out the episode [here].

Through these three words — Educate, Empower, Inspire — I hope to leave a lasting legacy in healthcare. I want others to feel the same passion I do for transforming the industry from the inside out, using coaching as a tool for growth, leadership, and, ultimately, better outcomes for both practitioners and their clients.


Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy Regulatory Organizations. (2021). Essential competencies of practice for occupational therapists in Canada (3rd ed.).

International Coaching Federation. (2021). ICF core competencies.

National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching. (2022). NBHWC content outline.

Thériault, H., Collingwood, M., Carter, S., Dhillon, S., Lamontagne, C., & Séguin, J. (2023). Implementing the competencies for occupational therapists in Canada: Practical examples, resources, and reflections. Occupational Therapy Now, 26(5), 12-14.

World Federation of Occupational Therapists. (n.d.). Global strategy for the occupational therapy workforce: Strategic direction 7 – Building workforce leadership and planning capacity. Retrieved October 10, 2024, from


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